Friday, November 23, 2007

Meet my Uterus

* This is not mine, but this is exactly how it looks like on the screen.

For the first time in my 25 years of life, I met my uterus. She looks so gorgeous! Before I made the HSG test, the nurse at Ampang Putri told me that a male doctor will do the test, so she asked me whether I am comfortable or not. I told her, i don't mind. When I was on the examining table...mmm...whatever they call it, the doctor was doing his job, injecting the speculum filled with dye inside my uterus, my eyes were stunned at the x-ray screen, where i could see my beautiful fallopian tubes and uterus. I could see the fluid flowed smoothly inside the tubes and filled my uterus...and it spilled nicely, no blockage at all! Alhamdulillah, I praised to GOD the Almighty that I have a healthy ones! The pain was like you are having period cramps but it doesn't last for so long. Despite all the stories that I heard before, it is not that bad. Below are some details of how the test is done:
Q. How exactly is the procedure performed?
A. You lie on a firm examining table, with your hips elevated by a pillow or two towels. Alternatively, some tables have installed stirrups.
A speculum is inserted into the vagina
The cervix and vagina are dabbed with an antiseptic
A small amount of local anesthetic is injected into the cervix. (This does not hurt)
A clip is placed on the numbed area of the cervix and a catheter inserted into the cervix.
The speculum is removed
The fluoroscope (x-ray device) is placed over the abdomen
The dye is slowly injected into the uterus and x-ray images are recorded.
As the dye spills from the fallopian tubes, you may be asked to lean to one side or the other.
When the initial x-rays are complete, the instruments are removed.
You may be asked to roll complete 360 degree turn prior to a final x-ray.


Arin said...

baru baca dah rasa ngeri..ishh..kan kak arin nih penakut tahap gaban nya..

l i y a n a said...

haaa....tau pun. Begitulah susahnya kita nak dapat anak. Yang ada anak boleh main buang-buang. Sedih betul...